The best thing about President Trump is that he always speaks his mind

By listening to him, you can clearly understand his thoughts.
That's the reason for this page!

Christians, get out and vote, just this time.
You won't have to do it anymore.
Four more years, you know what, it'll be fixed, it'll be fine.
You won't have to vote anymore, my beautiful Christians.
I love you, Christians. I'm a Christian, I love you.
Get out, you got to get out and vote.
In four years, you won't have to vote again.
We'll have it fixed so good, you won't have to vote.

Former President Donald J. Trump
The Believers' Summit
July 26, 2024 - West Palm Beach, FL

There’s no America without Democracy

In American history, no president, democrat or republican, ever openly talked about making elections irrelevant.

The United States is the world's oldest modern democracy, with its continuous democratic governance starting with the adoption of the Constitution in 1787 and the election of George Washington in 1789. Although not perfect, American democracy is functional and reliable, as long as the checks and balances are not tempered with. As long as both parties maintain their commitment to fair and open elections, and we the people demand it, democracy survives.

Democracy is Freedom! Don’t let anybody tell you otherwise. Without Democracy, Freedom becomes a privilege of few. If you think America is no longer a democracy, think again! As long as politicians ask for your vote, America is a democracy.

Democracy is non-negotiable! You can have any political views. You may want to have mass deportations, a mile-high border wall, or a bathroom for each gender expression in each building in America. It’s fine, those are political views, and if a significant number of Americans agree with you, it may become the law of the land. But we cannot negotiate democracy!

Call to action!

If you are a Trump supporter or a Trump voter

As a Trump supporter, you are a key pillar in defending democracy. Our goal here is not to debate his policies and vision for America but to emphasize the one thing we all must uphold: democracy.

Make your voice heard:

Trump and his staff will listen to you. President Trump is very sensitive to social media and the feedback of his supporters. No matter what people say, remember that democracy is the tool for manifesting freedom. Make sure you stand with Trump and you stand with democracy.

Become a
Trump supporter for democracy

Here are some reflections on what you may be thinking:

I don’t think Trump means to end democracy!
No well-intentioned person would purposely destroy democracy. But unfortunately, in the heat of the battle, people make decisions that compromise their deepest values, sometimes even without noticing. Fixing elections is a case in point.

But Trump and others say that the elections are rigged and America is no longer a democracy.
As long as politicians ask for your vote, we are still in a democracy, plain and simple. If they stop asking, then it’s over. Trump is asking for your vote!

But I love President Trump and want him to be the president.
Great, you can vote for him as long as you want and as long as we have a democracy.

If you are not a Trump supporter

If you are not a Trump supporter, chances are you do not agree with Trump’s policies and vision for America. You might be tempted to view all your disagreements at the same level. You might disagree with his policies on Social Security, immigration, or taxes. But those are policy disagreements. When we talk about democracy, we are discussing the core functioning component of American life.

Because Trump is more like a celebrity than a politician, non-Trump supporters face a daily tsunami of news and statements designed to enrage and draw attention. All forms of media tend to cover and propagate Trump news with fervor because it drives engagement and revenue.

The problem is, not all issues are equally important. The democratic institution is a fundamental cornerstone of American life. If someone starts fixing elections, immigration policies become the least of our problems.

If a patient is sick, doctors prioritize what to treat first, starting with life-threatening conditions. Democracy is the most fundamental part of American life.

Let’s make sure we all stand behind democracy, first and foremost. Don’t argue about policy until a framework of democracy and therefore freedom is established. When you communicate with Trump supporters, emphasize what is really important. You will be surprised that the core values are shared among the majority of Americans.

Above all, we should say,
I support democracy!

Support American Democracy!

If you are not familiar with the electoral process in your county, state, or at the national level, get involved! Ask questions and understand the process. You will appreciate the system that has been established after more than 200 years of democratic elections.

Support American Democracy

For context:

Check out President Trump's full speech at Turning Point Action's 'The Believer Summit' in West Palm Beach, FL - July 26, 2024